The Magic Bowl

To continue to promote Cookie Me! I storyboarded and shot this 30 second spot, titled “Magic Bowl!” It should have been a 4HourProject but I started playing with animated type in AfterEffects and that sucked the majority of my four hours. I look forward to learning more AfterEffects in the next two months.

250+ Cookies in a Weekend!

  Working with a few friends, I baked about 275 cookies this weekend. One of my roommates is a professional baker and did a great job managing, helping and advising as we tackled this huge project. You can request a free batch of cookies here. The recipe

Cookie Me, Mayowa Tomori!

Mayowa Tomori's giving out free cookies!

What is Cookie Me, Mayowa Tomori? Through January 1st, 2012, I’ll be mailing a batch of my special made-from-scratch chocolate chip cookies to anyone who sends me their address. It’s part social experiment, part internet-altruism and part promotion. Try it out now! [button url=”” style=”blue” size=”large”] Cookie Me! [/button]

Categorized as Fun

“Feeling”: A Song About Dark Desire

To him, a touch is a blow. That simple awkward sentence on a friend’s fridge set this story in motion. It is at the very least, a story about not getting what one wants. It’s about being with someone and trying to reach into that intimate place where they can feel you, rather than just… Continue reading “Feeling”: A Song About Dark Desire

Inspiration, Vampires, & A New Song

I wrote this song after being inspired by Twilight, of all things… It’s called “We’re All going To Die Soon,” but don’t be fooled by the gloomy title, it’s a really uplifting song. Download it here. Learn about the lyrics and my creative/story-telling process after the jump. is Coming Soon!

  Even the Sistine Chapel began as a mental sketch in someone’s brain. Please bear with me as I get the content populated and get off the ground. In the meantime, feel free too explore my work/me through my LinkedIn, Twitter or Vimeo. See you soon!